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In Rome, Tsitsipas impresses the world:

In Rome, Tsitsipas impresses the world: "Like a game of chess".

Everything happens so fast in tennis. Stefanos Tsitsipas, in his infancy at the start of the season, has confirmed his magnificent renaissance. Already a winner in Monte-Carlo and a finalist in Barcelona, Tsitsipas once again put in a string of fine results in Rome, seemingly confirming that Madrid was more of an anomaly than anything else (beaten by Monteiro, 6-4, 6-4).

Given the string of withdrawals and defeats in Italy, the Greek is becoming, despite Zverev's misgivings, the great favourite to win the title in Rome. Very much in form on clay, this is a real opportunity for him. Facing Alex De Minaur (11th) on Tuesday, the world No. 8 made no bones about it. Brilliant in all areas of the game (14 winners, 4 unforced errors, 5 successful breaks), Tsitsipas made short work of a powerless opponent (6-1, 6-2 in 59 minutes).

Close to his baseline, the 25-year-old was very aggressive, barely missing a shot and completely blowing away a distraught De Minaur. This match between two players who are fairly close in the rankings shows both the Australian's weaknesses on the surface and, above all, the Greek's magnificent ease on ochre.

When asked about his superb performance, the three-time Monte-Carlo winner emphasized the tactical aspect of his game: "For a while now, I've been trying to build up my points better, not rushing so much and finding a rhythm that allows me to dominate and win without taking too many risks. I see tennis as a sport with enormous tactical weight, like a game of chess. That's how I approach it."

Be that as it may, a performance of this level is bound to attract attention, and so it seems that 'Tsitsi' is establishing himself as a contender for the title in both Rome and Paris.

GRE Tsitsipas, Stefanos [6]
AUS De Minaur, Alex [9]
Stefanos Tsitsipas
11e, 3740 points
Alex De Minaur
9e, 3845 points
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I agree . Can't understand the refusal to use hawkeye when there is a disputed call.
8 thumb_up
audreyharpist audreyharpist
Tradition is nice but really come on People , we need to have hawkeye for all of these games!
7 thumb_up
Fred Phoesh Fred Phoesh
To all you Zverev haters sarcasm Is the lowest form of wit
2 thumb_up
Junesnowdon Junesnowdon
Sasha is still in this match! Good save Carlitos!
2 thumb_up
zayityosef zayityosef
Hey St Adam... Hope Alcaraz's fist has gone up exactly where it needs go and I hope you can walk tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣
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